June 2020 | Infinite Energy

How Tariff Arbitrage can help you make the most of your battery

29 June 2020

How Tariff Arbitrage can help you make the most of your battery

Solar power systems are already saving homes all over Australia money on their power bills, and those adding batteries to their systems can enjoy even further savings. Using ‘Tariff arbitrage’ with your solar and battery system is a great way to help you save even more money with your solar system by making the most […]

25 June 2020

How an Embedded Network Could Benefit Your Business

  Embedded networks are private-owned electricity networks that are contained within a building or self-contained site. They allow the site owner to purchase electricity for the building at wholesale rates and then on-sell to the tenants. Embedded networks are often seen in multi-tenanted sites, such as apartment blocks, shopping centres and office buildings. As the […]

22 June 2020

Simple ways to maximise your battery storage

Battery storage can be a great addition to your solar PV system, as it allows you to store excess energy generated during the day to use at night when your solar panels stop producing energy, enabling you to reduce your reliance on energy bought from the grid. In many states in Australia, there is still […]

15 June 2020

Rohan’s Winter Energy Efficiency Tips

Father of two, solar whiz and Infinite Energy Installer Relations and Products Manager, Rohan, has given us his personal energy efficiency tips on how to stay on top of your electricity bills whilst we’re all staying home more now the weather is cooling down. Below are his top tips:   1. Control your heating Heating (and […]

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