Verdia Finance Available at Infinite Energy | Infinite Energy

Verdia Finance Available at Infinite Energy

Verdia Finance Available at Infinite Energy

Written by Infinite Energy


About Verdia

Verdia is an independent energy services expert that aims to accelerate Australia’s transition to clean and renewable energy.

The Verdia team is made up of experts in energy and asset finance, together with engineers and project directors who’ve led hundreds of successful, large-scale energy projects across Australia and the world.


Westpac and Verdia

To help Australian businesses reduce their energy costs and improve their environmental footprint, Westpac has entered into a $200 million financing arrangement with the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.

Through their Energy Efficient Financing Program, managed by external energy experts Verdia, Westpac is offering discounted financing for commercial renewable energy projects, including solar PV system installations.

This partnership combines Verdia’s knowledge of solar with the financial expertise of Westpac, and will provide businesses with the most competitive lending rates available.


Infinite Energy & Verdia

To help our commercial customers gain access to long-term, low-cost asset finance, Infinite Energy is proud to offer Verdia as part of our finance product line up.

In order to be approved, Verdia undertook due diligence to ensure Infinite Energy met the following standards:

  1. We have the experience, knowledge and capacity to successfully undertake both small and large scale commercial solar projects.
  2. We only offer quality solar components from manufacturers that feature on the Westpac/Verdia approved quality equipment list.
  3. Our estimated energy savings were checked and authenticated by Verdia.


Verdia Finance Product

With Westpac’s backing, Verdia is able to offer long-term asset finance at market-leading rates. Benefits include:

- Finance can be arranged over longer terms, at a lower cost and with no upfront cash investment.

- Energy cost savings typically exceed the monthly finance payments, providing an immediate cash flow benefit. This means that over the lifetime of the lease agreement, the solar PV system effectively pays for itself.

- Customers can choose from a range of Westpac equipment finance options, to suit their business needs and accounting requirements.


Why Choose Verdia

Verdia marks the first time a large lending institution has taken the time to truly understand the business of solar.

While competing large lenders offer flat rates up to 10% for assets other than a house, Westpac, through Verdia, is well and truly bucking the trend, offering historically low rates for commercial solar installations. In addition to low rates, Verdia is also able to offer flexibility on the term and financing structure.

With Verdia finance, you’ll likely remain cash flow positive from day one, reduce business risk moving forward, and gain protection from rising electricity rates.

At Infinite Energy, we see this as Westpac recognising the potential of the solar industry, and a sign of exciting things to come.

For more information on Verdia financing and if it’s suitable for your business, request a no obligation callback with one of our expert energy consultants.


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